Tuesday, February 14, 2006

by request: Ring-Pop Boy

we had been dating for a while. the relationship had run it's course and I was preparing to end it. I had given it a weeks grace period but it was no help. we had a date that friday night. I would tell hm then. at the last minute he told me he had invited some friends to join us for dinner. SUPRISE. (never think that a control freak will like a suprise. we never do.)
So we went to dinner with the gang. Good Times.
Then we were to go to a movie. With the Gang. SUPRISE #2
I found a reason not to go.
(I think he thought I wanted to be alone with him. true. 'cause it was break up hour.)
Randomly we went to visit some more of his friends. (I think he was showing me off. FREAK)
Finaly we went to a park. (SUPRISE #3. my turn.) we talked a while and just as I opedned my mouth to tell him I needed some space he says I have something for you.
(Still SUPISE #3. not yet my turn i guess.)
He puts on some music.(Titanic)
He has me get out of the car.....to slow dance in the parking lot.(I don't dance)
We dance toward the back of the car and he opens the trunk.(Am I about to die?)
He pulls out some flowers.(Oh gee. I feel another suprise coming on.)
We dance.(I Don't Dance.)
He spins me out and I fall.( I DON'T DANCE MORON!)
He picks me up but he stays down. (says...........lots of words.)
He presents me with.......A Ring Pop!!!!??!?!?!
a ring pop.
yea buddy glad to know you were so sure of this that you went for the gold. glad to know you tried to learn stuff about ME so that when you asked ME to marry YOU, you'd be sure to present ideas That Would Appeal To All Those OTHER GIRLS You Dated BEFORE me.

Oh Ring Pop Boy. I can't marry you. For you do not know who I am. And you have done nothing to show me that you know or CARE about Who I Am. You see I'm not an ideal. I'm a person. An Individual if you will. And that seems to be a consept that has escaped you.
Thank you for this lovely hard cand and plastic. But there's a reason why DIMONDS are a girls best friend.
DIMONDS are forever. Hardened sugar will only last the night.

There it is Nessa. ENJOY!


Kimberly said...

I love that story. Did you eat the ring pop?

Jon said...

That's a good story.

If I remember correctly, Rach has some good stories like that too.

Jon said...

But I don't remember their particulars. Does anyone else remember them?

Leah said...

HOORAY! Sho didn't eat it. The dumpster did.