Thursday, November 17, 2005

its cold and flu season

the children have all lost there emotional stubility. these people can no longer make it more then two hours without an emotional outburst of some kind. its like the flu bug has mutated into some sort of mind altering. emotionaly warping infection that has cut off there memory on how to behave at school. or that Teacher Lisa has rules that she expects you to remember.
then again maybe its my partner teachers fault. the fact that they have no boundaries or rules in the afternoons. the fact that she has rules that she doesn't hold them to. the fact that she has decided that it's okay to let kids rome free in a structured setting and give them nothing to do. yea that's why their parents are paying out buckets of money. so that their kids will be confussed as to what is expected of them.
don't get me wrong. i know kids need freedom but they need rules too. there is a balance between the two. i know that balance. i've worked ith kids along time. they need to feel safe in there boundaries. they'll push you to your limit. i know this. she SHOULD know this. she's makin' me crazy.


Leah said...

My kids did not choose to be where they are right now and their mothers are really poor and I don't put up with any crap. And sick kids DO NOT cross the threshold of my domain. Lay the double smack down. (On your partner teahcer.)

Cracka Chips said...

yea i tried that. i supposed to talk to my head teacher and she's supposed to deal with it. so i told her. "Hezz she's makin' me crazy." ya know what she said to me.
"yea me too."

Like i care. fix Head teacher fix it. that's YOUR job.

kat said...

kids don't need boundaries or discipline.
they just need a good therapist.