Monday, November 07, 2005

scarey spiders

this is the best spider story ever!
this mornig young jordin was in my class with his big sister and an assortment of other mixed age group kids.
teacher mindy came to get her three year olds. (jordin among them)there was a spider on the floor next to jordin. in a moment of great ignorance mindy pointed out to jordin that the spider was crawling under him.
surprisingly enough he didn't freak out.......right away.
he thought it was cool, so he picked it up and threw it into the air. laughing and smiling. he caught it and threw it again. but that's when the trama started. ya see as the spider fell to him the second time he go.....well.....scared. and began to cry and....well scream. and all together came unglued. and freaked out.
for some reason the boy didn't expect that the spider he had so lovingly tossed into the air.....would return.
understand that the spider made no attempt to hurt him in any way. the child just freaked out. for 12 minutes. crying and sobing.
it was fully entertaining.

1 comment:

Leah said...

that's not funny.