Friday, March 28, 2008

What happened to the dream?

I'm at a lose my friends. I want so much to pursue the dream but I am feeling a bit discouraged. Everything in my life seems to be to "work for the bills." I hate this feeling. I want to act. I want to do more then have the everyday life.
Stupid being a grown up!
What does a girl do when the reality of life is fighting for the lead roll. I don't want to play the roll of everyday. I want to do more. I want to BE more.
But everything is money. And I don't have any. All I have is talent and that at best is getting rusty. And that wont buy plane tickets or pay an agent or afford classes.
They say if you have something to fall back on you will.
This bites! HARD!
Is there a time in life when one is really supposed to "give up" on dreams? I don't want that to be true. We are dreamers. We are players. I am more then everyday Jane American Billpayer.
Have you ever had a dream?
Are you fulfilling yours?
Do you like what you are doing with your life now?
Do you feel there is more to life then what you are doing?

1 comment:

Em said...

I don't know if I ever had a dream. I don't think so.