Saturday, August 27, 2005

I kow it's wrong

But I saw a child being bratty yesterday. And then i saw her mom, who belives that this frequently bratty child is an angel, Catch her in the act of her brattness. Oh it was BEAUTIFUL! I had to laugh. I loved it. The End


Leah said...


kat said...

when i grow up there will be only one bratty child in the family, and that one bratty child will be me.

Kirsten said...

I don't know that I personally was ever bratty so much as just darn feisty.

Jon said...

Oh, I was bratty. BraTTY.

In the worst way.

Jay said...

I was never bratty. My sister took that chromosome. I was the good son. That's right, I was the good one. . .Yup! . . . On the good side...never a problem with me...