Thursday, November 10, 2005

someone should move it

it was a moment of confusion for the poor young girl. she's a very sweet little girl. loveing and sweet to all people. i was holding her and it was time for naps. i sat her down and she turned (quickly) to go to class....
oooooooops! she ran her faced directly into the corner of the door. yea HUGE bruse.


bloggrez said...
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kat said...

tell us the truth... was that little girl you?

Cracka Chips said...

no not this time. but i tell you what that giant bruse on my leg finally cleared up. the one from a month ago. don'y worry the huge knot is still under my skin. (cancer waiting to happen) and my tail bone is healing nicely from when i broke it two months ago....shoot i'm due for a new injury soon. maybe i'll go for a nice BIKE ride.

Leah said...

I think someone should put you on lock down until you are fully healed. You're like one of those kids that needs to wear a helmet and knee pads at all times. Like Mike Myers being the Hyper Hypo.

Tiff said...

I used to hate how I'd go to sleep and wake up to moving floors and walls that had been scooted in.